Category Archive: Entertainment

San Diego Comicon 2014

Peench | July 27, 2014 | COMMENTS:No Comments »

Aside from the amazing people watching opportunities, San Diego Comicon 2014 was super fun.  The panels we attended provided loads of information and quite a few laughs.  Fellow MVP AceAttorney wandered about with us on Friday and took some amazing photos.  You’ll even see a few of me in there and a couple of me taking the Assassin’s Creed Leap of Faith – holy crap I was terrified!  LOL.  I’m sure you can see it on my face in the photos.  The ledge we jumped from was pretty damn high.

If you saw any of the coverage, what was your favorite highlight?

Category: Entertainment, Gaming

The Lobbycast: Episode 283

LobbycastGeoff | July 26, 2014 | COMMENTS:No Comments »



Geoff and Brick talk about Microsoft, Bioware, Destiny and will probably argue about The Lost Ship in The Weekly Whatchas.  The music in the audio program is “World of Entertainment” by Jurassic 5.

Category: Entertainment

Assassin’s Creed Unity at San Diego Comicon

Peench | July 25, 2014 | COMMENTS:No Comments »

Ubisoft had an amazing free running / parkour course at San Diego Comicon. We watched an awesome live show where the guards tried to catch the assassin. It was pretty awesome.

The only thing that would have made it better is if they had multiple assassins working together to get people pumped for Unity – which I can’t wait to play!!

Any of you eagerly awaiting this game?

Here are some photos:






Category: Entertainment

San Diego Comicon

Peench | | COMMENTS:No Comments »

Enjoying all of the awesome booths, info and amazing cosplay here today. Best experience so far was an occulus rift demo at Fox’s X-Men booth. We were Professor X.


More updates to come!

Category: Entertainment

Feature Requests for Xbox One

Peench | July 9, 2014 | COMMENTS:No Comments »

How many of you have visited and submitted feedback to Microsoft for the Xbox One? I’ve submitted a few requests and ideas but thought I’d start a thread her for us to further discuss.

One thing that I find very odd is that there is not a set location on the console for game trailers and previews. My buddy is over this week visiting and I started telling him about all of the cool games we saw at E3. He hadn’t seen the coverage yet.

I opened up my Xbox One thinking I would show him all of the cool trailers from the show only to find out they were nowhere to be found. Even games on the console didn’t all have trailers. Not only did I miss out on showing him some cool games, but Microsoft missed out on me being able to market the upcoming games to someone who wanted to know what else to buy this year.

There should absolutely be a central location not only for trailers for existing games but also for upcoming games as well. Perhaps even with a link to allow preordering the games. The best time to make a sale is after we see an awesome preview trailer and are all pumped up about the game, right? Why not take advantage of that?

What else would you like to see on the One?

Category: Entertainment