Category Archive: Sony

E3 2015: The Bethesda Softworks Presentation

LobbycastGeoff | June 14, 2015 | COMMENTS:No Comments »

Bethesda Softworks Logo

When it was announced that Bethesda was holding their very first press briefing, I figure that Fallout 4 info was a given. What I didn’t expect was that we would get a 2015 release date. November 10th of this year, to be precise. Wow. I was going to write this in the same order as the presentation, but why bury the lead? Let’s hope that they are able to finish development and deliver a polished product by that date. Bethesda, if not, please delay this title. I don’t think that any of us can take another highly anticipated AAA title that is broken when we open the package. That said, let’s move on to the presentation!


The gameplay trailer looked great! It was dark, creepy and felt very dangerous. It’s amazing to see how this game series has evolved from the piece of pixelated addiction of old to this high framerate shooter with rich, bloody textures and plenty of adrenaline-inducing action. And the violence! This one is definitely a title that is better kept from the little ones. I witnessed dismemberments, chainsaw bifurcation and an incredible amount of bullet damage. Enjoy!?!

A welcome surprise with the official announcement of Doom was the unveiling of SnapMap, the multi-player mapbuilder function. This builder allows you to design and share your own maps with other users on both Xbox One and PS4. Take a peek at the video below.


Billed as a Team-based Action Combat title, Battlecry reminds me a lot of a primarily melee Team Fortress. If Team Fortress had taken place in a modern Jade Empire. It’s hard to tell what to make of this one, so check out the trailer for yourself and sign up for the beta at It’s a very easy process. All you have to do is enter your date of birth, your email address and check two boxes. Submit!


It’s no secret to our listeners/viewers, that I was no fan of the original Dishonored. For those new to The Lobbycast, I was barely able to put an hour into the game. I still can’t believe that our very own Erin had the patience and dedication to get the achievement for completing the game without killing a single enemy. That is truly an achievement, agent!

They also announced a Definitive Edition, which will be graphically advanced and will include all of the previous DLC, coming to Xbox One and PS4 this fall.


Bethesda showed a trailer for a game that I have been enjoying since it’s release last week. I believe the message here is that there is more content being added this year.

ESO holds a special place in my heart, because ever since we first got our grubby mitts on Morrowind, we have been waiting for a chance to adventure together in that world. Oblivion and Skyrim only intensified that anticipation. Now we have it, and it is great. It’s not without it’s issues, but I have been having a really good experience with it.


Legends is a strategy card game that will arrive on PC and iPad later this year.

And finally…


They didn’t show this trailer in the presentation, but it should be here, both for those who hadn’t seen it and for those that haven’t seen it enough. This is what I have been waiting for. The presentation completely lived up to my expectations. One of the first improvements that they showed off was the character creation system. Check it out!

Next up, the reveal of the new and improved Pipboy, your in-game menu system. The big deal here is that you are able to get an actual, wearable version of the Pipboy with the Collector’s Edition. You are able to insert your phone and, with the iOS or Android app, use it seamlessly with the Xbox One, PS4 or PC versions, as if you were using the in-game menu. Watch below, but beware: Todd Howard gets a little excited in talking about this feature and drops a well-received f-bomb.

Taking a break from Fallout 4, he announces Fallout: Shelter, a mobile game available tonight on iOS. The game is free of charge.

Todd moves on the the building system within Fallout 4. This is very impressive. You can recycle building materials in the game and create new structures, building just a home or a small community that npcs will start populating over time. This rolls into a weapon-crafting segment.

All in all, Bethesda did well with this presentation, especially considering that it was their very first. Well done!

Join us for our continuing coverage of E3! As always, we appreciate your time. Leave us a voicemail at 512-522-9278 and we’ll do our best to address your comments on the show.

Category: Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft, Mobile Devices, Sony

Destiny – Become Legend

The game Destiny had a midnight release on September 9, 2014.  While the game was offered in physical media form, it was also offered as a digital download capable of pre-loading so that you could jump right into the action at 12:01 a.m. on 09/09/14.

I had originally chosen a preorder of a physical title but changed that a digital download so I could have the game already loaded up and so that I could play it on both of my Xbox Ones at the house without having to shuffle a disc around the house.  I ordered the game online at my office and clicked on the link on each of my Xbox One consoles and it downloaded and installed well in advance of the 9th.

Having played in both the Alpha on the PS4 and the Beta on the Xbox One, I had a little sense for what was in store in terms of character creation anyway.  I was a little concerned at the lack of lore or story background, but having played through a few mission have at least a tiny bit more information in that regard.  In my opinion there is still needs to be much more to the story, but I understand a little more now.

After setting up my character I played through a few of the story missions myself.  I then shot out some invites and set up a fireteam of 3 players.  While I had a good time running around by myself, the game really shined with a fireteam.  The missions were more fun, the battles more epic and the experience was just overall more fun.

That said, I wouldn’t have made it through many of the other missions by myself had other random characters not jumped in and helped me destroy some of the bad fallen in my path.  One thing I think missing from the game currently is some sort of proximity chat.  Even if it isn’t on all the time, there should be an option to chat with a player, even if just to thank them for helping save your ass from a hard battle.  Hopefully this is addressed through an update at a later date.

If you’re looking for a bit more background on the game and the different races and subclasses, look over the main website or head on over the Destiny Wiki Page.  Quite a bit of info has already been added and I’m sure more will show up as more people move through the game.

Bungie has certainly taken on a huge challenge with Destiny and so far they have delivered.  The graphics are beautiful and the battles sometimes frantic (helped along by the music) and almost always challenging.  One complaint I’ve heard so far is that the matchmaking in PVP hasn’t quite balanced out.  Level 5 characters pitted up against level 20 characters doesn’t seem to make sense.  I’m not sure if anything is done to level that out, but that could be an experience killer for quite a few players.  I hope this is addressed in the future as well.

Overall if you haven’t had a chance to play Destiny you owe it to yourself to give it a shot.  While it may not be for everyone, it will be quite the game for quite a few people.  Try it solo and head out in a fireteam and cause some damage.  Get out there and Become Legend.

Category: Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft, Sony

The Lobbycast: Episode 286 with Geoff and Jordan

LobbycastGeoff | August 21, 2014 | COMMENTS:No Comments »

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Geoff and Jordan say farewell to Robin Williams, talk TV and Gamescom news, as well as dole out another episode of The Weekly Whatchas.  The music in the audio program is “It’s Too Funky In Here” by James Brown.

Category: Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft, Movies, Music, Podcast, Sony, Television TAG: , , , , , , , , ,

The Lobbycast: Episode 285 with Geoff, Jordan and Brick

LobbycastGeoff | | COMMENTS:No Comments »

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Geoff, Jordan and Brick talk about the Star Wars sequel, Fantastic Four, GamesCom Awards and, of course, run down The Weekly Whatchas. The music in the audio program is “P5hng Me A wy” by Linkin Park.

Category: Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft, Movies, Music, Podcast, Sony, Television TAG: , , , , , , , ,

‘Tis the Month for New Consoles

Peench | November 3, 2013 | COMMENTS:1 Comment »

November, 2013.  The month of the next generation of console release is finally upon us.  There has been much written and even more debate on whether Sony or Microsoft will “win” the console “war” this time around.

Frankly I’m just happy we’re moving forward and that there will be more games and more graphical advancements on the horizon.  I imagine there will be some kinks with both systems and those kinks will be worked out as the consoles age.  I’m hopeful they both age gracefully and continue to offer competition for each other to drive each system manufacturer to do things better for us – the end user.

Digital delivery is something I was very excited about.  Hoarding games on shelves these days, while nice to look at (until they get all dusty), seems too old anymore.  With the ease of purchase and play of games on our mobile devices, we’ve really gotten used to being able to simply “buy something and play it immediately.”  Why should this be any different with consoles?

Sure the amount of data is way different and download speeds will vary, etc., but with the purported use of the “cloud” by each system, this should be a reality sooner, rather than later.  I’m disappointed that Microsoft backed away from their digital systems based on all of the negative comments.  I really think they had something special and unfortunately rather than explain it to all of us they decided the better play was to simply remove the feature.  I’m not so sure that was such a great idea.  Besides, the “always need a connection” idea is something that Sony has admitted is necessary for an update now already. And those of us with a PS3 and an Xbox 360 know that the Sony updates always took WAY longer than the 360 updates.  Not sure how that will be the next time around, but I guess we’ll see in a few weeks.

I’m also concerned that Sony appears to have backed away from support for streaming content.  The PS3 is currently far better at accessing, displaying, streaming content from my NAS drives and home network than the Xbox 360.  The Xbox 360 must “load” up my 200+GB of music (not counting the movies, etc.), before it will display anything.  The PS3 can simply display the data by folder and let me get right into listening to music or watching home movies or shows.  I’m very surprised that they would back away from this and even more concerned that while Xbox One touts itself as allowing this type of streaming, it must be done through the “play anywhere” dealio (something about which I know nothing).  I’d much rather just have a device that will stream what I already have on my NAS drives without need for an intermediary computer.  Maybe I’ll have to look at picking up a Roku for that purpose alone.  But I digress.

I’ve pre-ordered both systems and hope that they will both arrive on day one.  I’m excited about having the “latest and greatest” but I’m not as excited as I was for the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

On the Xbox One side of things I’m excited for Titanfall, but that’s not out for another several months and I’m not a huge zombie game player so Dead Rising 3 doesn’t do much for me.  Other than that I am very excited about Ryse and hope that will be delivered from Amazon on Day one also so I can enjoy how awesome it will look and sound.

For the PS4 I have purchased and played some of the Killzones, but they haven’t really pulled me in.  I do like how Knack looks and might end up with that as a day one purchase.  Many have shunned the title because it is like “picking up trash, but cutely” but I like to see something new being done with the new consoles.  The title itself looks very different and I’ll be interested in seeing how it all comes together.  Kudos for trying something new on this one Sony!

Other than that though, I’m not super excited about the next gen console release and that makes me sad.  I remember the days and weeks leading up to the prior console releases and how I couldn’t wait to get the newest console and play Kameo, COD 2 and Condemned on the 360 and Resistance, Fall of Man and later the God of War and Uncharted titles on the PS3.

Perhaps I’m not excited because I’m getting older.  Or perhaps I’m not excited because both manufacturers are trying to make a “gaming” console into the living room gateway.  While I love my living room and my main home theater area, I’m a gamer and so far these new gaming systems are not making me as excited as I would have hoped.  How about you?

Category: Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft, Sony